We are growing spiritually.
Creating a vibrant spirituality in the life of individuals and our faith community guides us as we plan worship, engage in spiritual practices and nurture faith development for all ages and all people.
We place a high value on community worship that is emotionally compelling and thought provoking, provides a variety of musical styles, and nurtures progressive Christian ideas and practices.
We are a covenant community.
Whether it is a small group of people, the congregation gathered for worship, or a ministry of outreach to our neighbors, building relationships with one another, and with God, is a high priority.
We strive to work together as the body of Christ fostering a community that places an emphasis upon teamwork that builds collaboration and connections as the body of Christ.
We are compassionate and caring.
Much of what we do focuses on compassion and caring. Here you will find ways to support each other through prayer and service.
Whether feeding the hungry, distributing Care Bags for the homelesss, collecting back packs and school supplies for elementary school children, you will find many ways to be engaged in compassionate service and support.
Our behavioral covenant.
As members of this congregation and participants in what Jesus the Risen Christ is actively doing in the world, we respond to God's covenantal promise by making covenant with one another as a witness to our lived and shared faith.
Our calling statement.
"We are the New Church - the Chiesa Nuova, who gather and are gathered as an intentional Christian community seeking to follow in the Way of Jesus."
Our guiding scripture.
Seek first the realm of God and God's righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6.33
We affirm that sexuality and spirituality are intricately connected and that both are gifts from God. We profess that we are ALL created in the image of God.
We believe that all people have worth, so you don’t have to be a member of this church or any church, or even know what you believe, to participate in the life of this community.
As a community passionate about following in the way of Jesus, we exist to serve others, particularly those most marginalized by society. Our hope is that you will feel extravagantly welcome here.