Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson

Senior Pastor







Our senior pastor is Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson. Dr. Hudson is also part of the adjunct faculties of Brite Divinity School on the campus of Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, Texas, and Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. 


Dr. Hudson holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of North Texas in Speech Communication & Theater Arts, a Master of Divinity, Cum Laude, from Perkins School of Theology, and holds an earned Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in Educational Administration. She has used her education and spiritual gifts to lead a large membership church, a renewing church, a mega-church, an online church and a new church start, allowing a breadth of understanding of church life, leadership and worship.


Dr. Hudson has served on the Board of Trustees at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, as the Chair of the Board of the South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ, and also as the Chair of the Board of Convergence, an organization leading and inspiring the Progressive Christian movement in the United States. Most recently Dr. Hudson has joined the South Central Conference New Church Start Committee and Chairs the North Texas Association, Committee on Ministry. She also serves as a consultant on new church starts and church mergers for Convergence.


Jo is married to Stephanie Hudson, a criminal defense attorney, and they are the proud parents of Sydney Hudson.

Pastor Monica Bradley

Associate Pastor of Justice

Monica earned a Master of Divinity from Brite Divinity School with a certificate in Sexual and Gender Justice, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from San Diego State University.  During her time as a student at Brite she completed a year of supervised-ministry with New Church. At Brite she was recognized as an outstanding student with five faculty book awards and awarded a Walker Ministerial Scholarship. Monica earned a certificate from Texas Christian University in Women and Gender Studies and was an inductee into the TCU Triota National Women’s Studies Honor Society during her studies at Brite.


Monica wors full-time as the Director of Admissions for Brite Divinity School.

Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman

Volunteer Pastor







Mike is a notoriously outspoken and compassionate ally and spiritual leader who has risked clergy credentials, position, and reputation to advocate for marginalized persons in the Church and society, particularly persons of color, LGBTQ individuals, women, and young people.


Mike earned a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth and a Master of Arts in Christian Education at Scarritt Graduate School in Nashville, Tennessee.  He completed Certification in Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas and is a Doctor of Ministry Candidate at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth.


Mike currently works full-time as a Patient Advocate and Spiritual Counselor at Lenity Light Hospice.


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